I am cranky. Yes, I am mad at the world today. I even hissed at Richard and I love his brushing me. I cranked and almost hissed at Terry. All she did was pet me. But she talked soothingly to me and it calmed me a little. I never did like an overly amount of petting though cheek scratches are nice.
I am meowing in the most cranky ways. Normally my humans would laugh because I have such a range of sounds and I am using them all. Terry thinks my triaditis or medication is bothering me and she is about to give a soft treat. Otherwise, I seem healthy with no particular sensitivity or pains. They are watching me though and are half tempted to haul me off to the vet even though I had a recent checkup.
Riding in a cat carrier will make me more cranky if they do. Maybe the moist treat is all I need.