As it turned out, Myst has 2 kidney stones, the kind that will not dissolve and have to be surgically removed. They were causing his urinary tract infections. The vet is doing surgery today.
Terry is concerned because Myst is so tiny for a cat (its hard to tell in the photos because he is very fluffy, but he is pretty small). He will be staying at the vet's at least until Saturday.
I can't believe he is gone .... and I keep searching the house for him. I run up and down the hall (it always gets Myst out) with no luck. Then I went to get brushed and I purred a lot, keeping my eye on the door because Myst ALWAYS comes out for brushing when I am being brushed, but he never did appear. It is just not the same around here.
As soon as we know anything from the surgery, I will post an update here.