Saturday, September 11, 2010

Enjoying a Nice Chat


Pascalian Awakenings said...

That is such a sweet picture. It really captures what good friends and family members cats are.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We agree that is sometimes good ta just sit around and chat with yer Bein sometimes. It doesnt ALL have ta be cuddles, naps, and scritchies.

MCSE courses UK said...

So cute..........
very lovely....

Printer cartridges said...

Wow! So nice snap that you have got. You have really nice friend and I must say that you both make a good relation with mutual understanding though he is a cat.

Jessica Byerly said...

I have a snowshoe..Rajah..He talks to me so much. I have never met a more talkative cat! Thanks for posting!