Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happiness is when sunlight falls on a catnip flavored scratch pad


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Wow! Unless some Tuna falls on it, it cant get much better than THAT!

Emmylou said...

mmmm cool!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Cool! Sun puddles and catnip!

Sue M. said...

Happiness is when the sunlight falls anywhere! Thanks!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

True happiness! Ahh!

Frontline Plus said...

These all are looking really very happiness in all these there are so many things which is happiness and good of sun light.

Cathy said...

I have one of these for each of my 7 cats. When life gets dull at The House Where The Black Cat Lives, I sprinkle on a little fresh catnip and watch the games begin. It never gets old.

lax airport hotels said...

These is very happiness in all these there are so many things which is happiness and good of sun light.