Thursday, February 10, 2011

More white? Good! It means our humans stay home and pet us more.


Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

Yikes. That white must be a really foreign color to you guys in the usually-warm south! I stay in more and cuddle with our crowd when it's nasty outside here, too.

Agne said...

I am the owner of blog
Soon we will have cat beauty contest, 7 days every visotor of blog will be able to vote and choose the cutiest cat. Now I have 2 competitors. Maybe your cat would like to take part in this battle of cats? All I need is your cat's picture. If you are interested, contact me

Emmylou said...

This stuff is really gettin' old, isn't it. Won't you be happy when it all goes away and it gets warm again?

The Meezers or Billy said...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Enjoy it while it lasts. We are sure you dont see that white stuff very offen!

mahjong said...

These all are very enjoying in all these there are so many things which can be one of the great and cool to know about it.

ABC said...

I finally found my mailbox by the road today. It has been buried for about a month. Is that a sure sign of spring?

Frontline Plus said...

These all are very enjoying in all these there are so many things which can be one of the cool to know about it.