This was going to a picture of Myst, so I am showing you what he would have looked like. It started raining. Myst was comfortably asleep on the monitor and did not notice at first. Then he sprung to alertness. He sat up and craned his head to make sure he was hearing rain.
Myst was not absolutely sure at first. To make sure, he jumped down and stood in the door, listening as best he could. Finally, he decided that it was indeed raining outside and off he went to his dark little hiding place for the rest of the day.
Myst feels obligated to hide when it rains. It does not matter if there is lightning or not, Myst is convinced the sky is falling in wet weather. He is determined that he will survive such a disaster even if nobody else in the house has the sense to seek cover so he finds something big and dark to hide under.
I do not mind rain at all although people walking around in the attic and lightning bother me. Sometimes I envy Dandelion's ability to sleep through anything.