Dandelion is here and doing well. He is a more serious-minded cat and does not get into half the trouble we younger cats do. Being 18 years old, he likes to sleep most of all. Unlike Myst and me, Dandelion loves all humans and comes up to them for a pet (if he is awake). Dandelion is the most affectionate of us all and also enjoys getting brushed every day. He likes moist cat food more than crunchy. (Myst hates moist cat food and tries to bury it while I like it all.) Dandelion is my hero.
Dandelion is very handsome! I would have never guessed he was 18 years old. He does not look a day over 9!
I have a sister who is 17 and she is just like your Dandilion. She sleeps almost all the time except when she want momma to hold her and give her her medicine. She gets it in those Pill Pockets which she adores. She doesn't like the brushing or the stinky goodness. She insists on getting treats for being brushed. She's a tortie and very tempermental when she's not obeyed. I hope both Dandelion and Kali live for a long time. Toodles, Tyler
hey dandelion, you look top cat to me. you should make an appearance more often, not that you seem remotely bothered either way!
Oh, we just love that picture!
That's a great picture of Dandelion. I am glad to hear that he is doing well.
Aw, one of my three cats looks like yr Dandelion...
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