Myst was not absolutely sure at first. To make sure, he jumped down and stood in the door, listening as best he could. Finally, he decided that it was indeed raining outside and off he went to his dark little hiding place for the rest of the day.
Myst feels obligated to hide when it rains. It does not matter if there is lightning or not, Myst is convinced the sky is falling in wet weather. He is determined that he will survive such a disaster even if nobody else in the house has the sense to seek cover so he finds something big and dark to hide under.
I do not mind rain at all although people walking around in the attic and lightning bother me. Sometimes I envy Dandelion's ability to sleep through anything.

I must be like Dandelion. I either sleep right through the thunder and lightening or if I am awake, I like to sit in my window seat and watch it. I think lightening is pretty.
We had rain last night also - we were shocked!
Myst, good for you for finding a safe spot. Rain doesn't bother me, but those firecrakers on the 4th sure did. When I hide I dive under mommas covers. She just laughs because of how obvious my hiding spot is. I don't care. At least I can't see anyone or anything that may be trying to get me. Hope your rain goes away soon.
Shaggy will ask to check outside the front door and then outside the back just to make sure.
the klosit is the onlee plase i will go in a storm. unless mommy is in da bed then i snuggel in wif her and she proteks me.
4th of July fire crackers are definitely just as scary as rain! By the way Prince Muddy Paws I have tagged your blog. See Armchair Fiduciary for more details.
Myst is adorable! This is too cute!
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