Friday, August 17, 2007

I Would Vote for Myst

Myst for President! Would run office with dignity and precision. Has the patience of a cat yet energy to run where needed. Would rid the legislative branches of all rats.


Yes, I Am Blond said...

"I Vote For Myst !! "

The Meezers or Billy said...

ooo, would Myst run against Cheysuli, Cato and Skittles?

This could make the race furry furry inneresting!

Daisy said...

No rats in the office! I am FOR that!

Anonymous said...

I would most definetely vote for you, Myst. This sounds like a really great idea. Let me know if you need help with your campaign. I can help.

Tyler said...

But I like the rats. They're my new friends.

How can I vote between all of my friends? This is getting complicated.

Unknown said...

Myst for president!!! and Muddy for VP. ;)
- Gussie