Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Site Changes

This is the first video Terry ever posted of us cats. The company at Terry's old website at http://bamablog.textamerica.com is cancelling all accounts and going commercial after October so she is reposting her cat videos here. She is upset because she was posting there since 2002 and had almost 6,500 images there. Although they were backed up, they will never be as nicely organized as they were in that place.

She also has some links to share of her sites that will have to take over for the old dying site: BamaPhotos.com, BamaCats.com, BamaRelatives.com, BamaLinks.com. My own photo history site is at MuddyPaws.info.


Anonymous said...

What a bummer! I can't believe they are taking your stuff away. I would be very unhappy if this happened to me. No fair!

Becka said...

Sorry Terry, you yourself got me interested in TA a long time ago, but since then I have found flickr and youtube where I put all my furry friend stuff.

I still love bloggingcat.com! w00t Good luck, who doesn't enjoy a fun cat video?