Friday, October 19, 2007

The Hunt

Myst was stalking something. The rest of the family did not know what what going on until they were eating breakfast and suddenly, a baby cricket hops madly into the kitchen because he was being chased by Myst.

Myst was right on his trail, then the baby cricket jumped into the water bowl! It was fun watching him kick around for a while until the humans threw the water out of the door, letting the cricket get away. Humpf! I wanted to watch him kick around some more. That was a LOT more fun than trying to see out of this foggy window later.


Daisy said...

Crickets are very fun to chase and play with. Too bad he got away.

Scout said...

Crickets are fun, crunchy goodness!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Crickets are the toy that plays back with you.

Anonymous said...

A cricket! Oh Joy!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

The Beins didn't let you have the cricket? That wasn't nice at all especially since you had it trapped. They are very tasty!

Skeeter and LC