Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Myst Likes to Play More

Myst has gotten more demanding, crying for doors to be opened, getting bored more easily and nagging his humans a lot. I think it is just because he is healthier now and is more aware of the world around him. It's a good sign and well, our humans need the constant exercise of opening doors and playing with us. It keeps them alert and happy.

Besides, I think Myst needs more pouncing on, too, and I am good at that.


Anonymous said...

I keep My Lady on her toes.

Tyler said...

I'm glad to hear that Myst is feeling better. That's great news.

Daisy said...

Yes, I can tell pouncing is just what Myst needs!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Well that's what a happy cat does...

Skeeter and LC