I just wanted attention today. I led Terry down the hall, changed my mind and went off into one room, changed my mind and led her into another room. She was following me pretty well, so I turned around, went out of the bedrooms and into the kitchen, then made a quick turn into the living room. By now, she was standing there with her hands on her hips looking at me silly. What? I was getting attention, wasn't I? That was the plan all along.
Well done! I'm going to try it. Yet I don't think my mom will be very patient. But I love the idea of getting more attention.
That was a good plan you had!
Hi Muddy,
This is Rocky here - I like knocking things off of tables and counters - that ALWAYS gets my Mommy's attention ;)
P.S. This is another great picture of you!
Purrs to you,
Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mommy xo
Heh heh. That's Scooby's favorite game too!
Clever plan. We should try that! But we'll lead The Big Thing to where he keeps the treats pouches!
well done Muddy!
Apparently you have her well trained to follow you around so well. Mommy is still in training. I need to work on that with her.
PS: Glad you are feeling better and back to your normal self.
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