Terry lost her flashlight. She looked under the sofa, then under the bed. She looked on the countertop and in the bathroom and the computer room under her chair. She has not found it yet, but we cats are glad to help her look and I follow along.
I loved when she looked under the bed. When she lifted the bed cover, I crawed under to help her look. She muttered something about how she could not see anything with me there, but I know she was glad for my help.
Dandelion has the most lovely eyes and such a kind face.
You are so beautiful!
Why does she need her flashy thing? Beware of bad comment linkies by gardagami!
derby isn't joking!
Gardagami posted virus links!
I'm going to email the site. Gardagami isn't even a blogger (it's an empty blog at that link).
I have deleted those kinds of comments before, too. Is there a way to block this? (Thanks for the warnings.)
I suspect that the only way to block them is to set your blog up so commenters have to type in those nonsensical letter combinations.
I know derby's blog requires them, you could check his site out to see what i mean (since I can't describe it in a way that makes much sense!). :)
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