Terry says I am twice his weight. I should whap him back. She says I can jump higher than him and can easily sit out of reach. Instead I just fuss and fume. Well, why not? It brings my humans running and they pet me and brush me and give me all kinds of attention. Seems like a good working plan to me.

Hmm, that is a little bit mean of Myst. This means it is okay to give him the bitey in return. But just a soft one.
Sounds like you have a good plan to us! ;)
(BTW, Very handsome picture of you, too!)
Rocky, Angie, & S'more xo
Oh my, what a lovely profile you have!
Oh poor you!!! My momma tells me I should just stand up to Shy too since I outweigh her but I like the sympathetic cooing from Momma.
That is a really nice photo of you--what a cute nose you have.
A kitty's gotta do what a kitty's gotta do for attention.....
Just sayin...
Some minor indigities are worth causin the Beins ta come an pay attenshun to ya! Heh-heh-heh!
I think Myst & you are in league for more attention. I have a scar from where my Onyx got tired of being petted & decided to bite.
LOL. It is a great way to get attention from you humans. hehehe
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