Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How to Stay Out of Trouble

The trick to staying out of trouble is to perfect your sweet and innocent "who me?" look. That way, anyone who looks at your sweet face will know that you would never ever dream of doing wrong. As you can see, I have this down to perfection. Alas, Myst has an even more innocent look and Dandelion has an "I-am-too-wise-to-get-into-trouble" look, so I still get blamed for everything around here.


Daisy said...

With those beautiful big round blue eyes, you have the perfect "get out of trouble" card!

Pampered Kittens said...

I bet you get away with lots of good mischievous adventures!

Anonymous said...

You really do have the perfect "Who me?" look. I am very very impressed.

Scout said...

u look inoscint to me. if thar are small 'beans livin in the howse, blame them. that is wut i do.