Yes, he is up here every day. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I expect he will be up here more often and for longer spells of time. Terry put me up here once, but I was too er, heavy, and the monitor wobbled. I did not like that at all! Myst can have it up there. I will stay on the desk or, even better, in the chair when its prewarmed.
mommy says that Myst looks like her moniter pet - it's called a screeny cleaney. can you use Myst's tummy to clean the screen?
This would not work very well on my flat panel monitor! Except now there is a huge space behind the monitor where the old full sized one used to fit. I put a pillow back there and my little one sleeps back there.
That looks like a very cozy and warm spot for Myst. My Mommie uses a laptop, so I have no place to perch.
We can't lay on our mom's monitor either - but it sure does look comfortable up there. You can snoopervise what is going on too.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
My Lady has a laptop and she doesn't ever let me lay on it. It's really warm and I would love to be able to lay on it whenever I want.
DKM has a stoopid laptop with no good heat spot and the crackberry is just too small.
You look like a good Keeper of the Monitor, Myst! Very serious abut your job!
You look nice and toasty warm on the monitor, Myst.
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