Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dessert All Over the Yard!

We were going about our business as usual when suddenly, we heard it! A THOUSAND black birds landed at our place. Myst and I ran to the door and window. Myst wanted our humans to hurry up and open the door QUICK! He kept pacing back and forth because Terry was not hurrying fast enough. It was an AMAZING sight! Dessert ALL OVER THE YARD!

Here is Myst afterwards, back at his post as a computer monitor.


Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Wow, Muddy, that's awesome! We get some birdies and a few squirrels by our house, but NEVER that many desserts!!!! Boy, we're jealous!!

Anonymous said...

That's it Myst, you have a good, long rest after that desert excitement ;)

Daisy said...

That does sound very, very exciting!

Scout said...

Zowie! I have seen two or three but NEVER a squillion! That musta been some kinda exciting! No wonder Myst is resting.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I am drooling!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Oh isnt THAT so frustratin? birdies covering the ground like tuna spread an ya cant get at them?