Myst fluffs out very well. Whenever he hears me getting brushed, he comes into the room and looks very pretty and sweet until our pet humans can no longer resist him. We do a good job of keeping our pets under control. Terry says she has fun doing these pictures. If any of you want a picture like this, send it or a link to me with an email address to return it to.
Yes, Myst is a very fluffy boy - I love the tufts of hair in his ears! And he looks so sweet and innocent - like he could never do anything wrong... ;-)
Love from Peggy in Denver
Myst is really very cute~!!!!
I love her eyes~!!!!!
Hi Muddy! This is Rocky here - We love this picture of Myst! I use that sweet and innocent look on my mommy all the time - and it works all the time, too! (Well, almost all the time!)
A wonderful and joyous holiday season from our family to yours!
Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mommy,
Merry Christmas to our wonderful friends!
Hi Myst, you are very fluffy.
We wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas,
Missy Blue Eyes & KC
and all the "Sherwood Shelter"
We love your pictures! And we hope you're all having the Merriest Christmas ever!
Holiday Purrs,
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
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