The sun shines so well in our windows in the winter. I can't get enough of these rays. I took my daily trip to the vet to get my medicine and now I am glad to be home. I was brushed so well this morning and Terry was glad to see me actually pouncing on Myst, for a change.
Hi Muddy!
We're so glad to hear your back to pouncing on Myst! That's great :) You keep pouncing - and enjoying those warm rays of sunshine - they're both very good for you ;)
A pouncy is always good! I am glad to hears you are feeling better. I am sorry you hafta go to the V-E-T everyday though…
We's so glad yur feelin better, Muddy! Mom pilled the firstest cat for YEARS. He gotted used to it. I don't know which is worse, bisitin the vet efurry day or gettin pilled by Mom.
I am so happy that you are getting better and better!
Sir Muddy,
pouncing on Myst, that's a good sign! :) You enjoy that sunshine!
Love from,
Snowfy, Delilah and their human Holly
Muddy! That's wonderful news! Keep up the good work. I want to continue to read about your good health, please.
That sun really has magical healing powers!
YAY Muddy!!!!
You look so sweet laying there like that.
Sunshine is great for getting better, you can't beat a bit of bone warming heat. Pouncing on Myst is definately a sign that you are returning to full supervisory strength, keep it up Muddy xx
We are startin to get annoyed that we dont have BOTH a softy place AND a sunny place at the same time. We have to discuss this wif The Big Thing!
Thinking of you, Muddy, and your wonderful owners, as they fret over you. They're so lucky to have a wonderful cat like you in their family, and you're so lucky to have people in your family who will go to the ends of the earth to keep you healthy and safe.
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