Sunlight is good, no matter how warm the house or where I have to go to sit in a patch of it, even under the coffee table up against one side of it. Myst and I have done a lot of chasing each other this week. We are so active these days. Even Dandelion seems more alert. Terry wonders if there is some secret to being more energetic.
Sunshine is enjoyed by my dog too ya know Muddy. But my cat, Sasha your girlfriend, loves a good sunbath too. :-)
Hi Muddy,
You look so very handsome in this picture :)
We think sunlight is good, too! We especially like to find a spot by the doorwall 'cuz all the warm afternoon sun comes in there :)
Good to see you friend :)
Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mom, Karen xo
it prolly the sunshine faeries ~the FLuffy Tribe
We think the sun has a lot to do with it!
Well, if there is a secret to being energetic, could someone please pass it along to me? :-)
Love from Peggy in Denver
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