(This is me, Myst, with a cricket I found today in the bathtub.)
Muddy continues to recover but he sounds different and meows hoarsely. He also moves very slowly. We know he is still healing from surgery because he can not jump up on things so well. He tried to climb the cat pole and fell. Fortunately it was only falling a little but our pet humans were so alarmed that they will not let him near the cat pole without their supervision, now.
Dandelion seems to have accepted Muddy, though we are not absolutely sure about that so we still keep an eye out. Muddy is still taking appetite enhancers as the vet wanted. We do see him eating a couple of times a day, which is good. We just hope he is eating enough.
Muddy does not take his pills without hissing and growling. He takes 8 pills a day, still. It is a big job for our humans to do. They hope Muddy will not hold this against them in the future. So far, so good.
Our humans changed their plans and stayed in town, but had a good Thanksgiving with Muddy back among us and hopefully getting better.
Happy Thanksgiving to your fambly! Eat as much (burp!) turkey as you can manage!
DMM and the Feline Americans
Muddy ... dood ... Take your meds an' feel better, okay?
8 pills a day? Oh yuck!!!
Hoppy Gobble Gobble Day! Nose bumps to all!
I hope and pray that Muddy continues to improve. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Take your medicine and get better, Muddy.
we are still sending out big purrs and purrayers for Muddy. 8 pills a day really suks.
Thanks for the update Myst!
Muddy, please feel better soon, ok?
Did you get to eat the cricket Myst, or did your mom toss it out before you got the chance?
I am glad that Muddy is getting a little better. My sister Pixie takes 4 different pills every day. We take the pills and wrap them up in a little piece of American cheese to make a little cheese ball. Then, my Mommie just sticks the cheese/pill ball down Pixie's throat. She doesn't actually chew up or eat the cheese ball, but it keeps the pills stuck together so you only have to do it once.
MEW! Muddy's mew is hoarse still cause of the breathing tube they had to put in his throat during the surgery. Don't worry-this will pass. Can some or all of his pills be given in a liquid form? mew have your mummy ask the vet. Maybe the parents can put up a safety net around the cat tree like those trapeze people use! MEW!!!
We hopes you had a Happy Thanksgiving and got to eat lotsa turkey.
We're glad that Muddy seems to feel a little better - we'll keep up our purrs and purrayers for him and all of you.
This is Myst using Muddy's name -- Thank you so much for the ideas, especially the cheese ball pill. We are going to try it because we are having a very very hard time and Terry usually is crying by the time the pills are down.
Myst again using Muddy's account here -- thanks for telling us why he is hoarse. We did not know! All of you have been so very good for us.
We are glad Muddy is improving now he is home. 8 pills a day is a lot. My mum would be tearing her hair out cuz I refyooz to eat pills, but Flynn is kwite good wiv them.
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