My thanks also to everyone for your support. Terry said it was a great comfort to have ideas and suggestions and to know everyone was thinking of or praying for me. You are all the best
My humans never knew I was sick except that I seemed more affectionate. It's hard to convey aches and pains sometimes. I am getting a little more energy every day though the parents may have to take me to the vets for pills because I am becoming more stubborn about taking them. Terry says the vet is only 2 miles away and twice a day trips would not be so bad.
I hope to regain my energy though I am still walking slowly due to this scar and staples. Here's a picture Terry took of me a few minutes ago. She says its a good thing I had a little extra weight to lose.

Hi buddy! Welcome back! We are so glad to see you up and around :) That is a nice picture of you that Terry just took - you look like your usual handsome self! We are continuing to purr and pray for you - keep doing what your parents and the vet tells you to do, 'kay? So nice to see you!
Welcome back Muddy!!! we is glad you is getting around and starting to feel better. we will keep sending you purrs
Yay, you're back! Mommy says that she always gave Vincent a treat or some baby foods after giving him his pill and he decided it was worth it and would sit nicely for a pill (she still had to use a pill shooter). Since you like to be brushed so much, maybe Terry could try that as a reward. We are still purring for you.
Muddy, you are looking good! I am glad you are starting to feel better. Keep eating and resting, you need to regain your strength!
Hi Muddy! Its so nice to see you again. Welcome back. Myst did a great job of keeping us updated on what was going on. You're looking good. :)
Please do keep taking your meds and eating so that you can start chasing Myst again. ;))
Lots of purrs
- Gussie
I'm glad you're back and feeling better, Muddy - being sick is no fun (for you or your humans). I know you don't like the pills, but it's important you take them. Maybe eventually you won't have to take so many.
Love from Peggy in Denver
P.S. Please tell Myst thanks for keeping in touch with us. He's a good blogger; if he wants to start his own blog I'll be happy to read that one too!
Looking good buddy, great to have you back xxxxx
Muddy: I am glad you are feeling better. I have been worried about you and your family while you were out.
You need to learn to take your meds even if it is yucky to you because it will make you feels better!
You have no idea how relieved I was to hear that you are okay. I really did worry about you. You know what? You were the first blogging kitty that I ever found. The first one. I read your blog everyday for months before I started my own. I'm still checking in on you. I'll never stop.
Welcome back, Muddy! We are glad you are up and about and blogging again.
Please tell Myst thank you for keeping us filled in while you weren't well enough...he did a good job. :)
~Snowfy, Delilah and their human Holly
You look gorgeous little one. So thankful to Myst for his excellent job of keeping us all updated on you.
What a great mom you have that will tote you back and forth to the vet's twice a day for your pills.
Hey Muddy! Great to see you up & around!
We always hide away when we are sick.
We've all been worried about you!
We're very happy you are up and about! Send some extra purrs to Terri
Welcome back Muddy,
It is good to see that you are getting back to your normal self.
Frostin and his Court.
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