I get my stitches/staples out on Friday and I will start my new cat food diet that Dandelion can share with me, the vet said. She will make a gradual change over for us. I hope I like this new food. I hope Dandelion does and I also hope I can still have a moist treat once in a while.

I miss the monitor now that Mommy has a lap top. Sigh...
Hi Muddy,
Yes, that will be a problem when the time comes for Terry to get a flat-panel monitor - yikes! We're sure a purrfect solution will present itself in the interim.
You sound wonderful - and we're so glad to hear your staples are coming out Friday. You're making a super recovery, and we couldn't be happier!
Rocky, Angie, S'more & our Mom :)
I hope you like your new foods, too. I eat special prescription food (because of my bladder stones), but my Mommie still lets me have Temptations.
ohhhh Myst is gonna be sad when the monitor goes.
we hopes you likes your new foods too Muddy.
Flat panels are nice, but they're not like regular monitors that keep you warm.
We're glad Muddy continues to recover nicely.
We hope you like the new food Muddy. SOmetimes it does take a little getting used to.
Myst, we think the idea of a heated cat pad would be excellent!!! And much softer than the computer. There are a lot of pads & beds to choose from now too!
We haf a flat moniter. Cant sit on it AT ALL... Fortunately, we haf the warmed waterbed.
Ooh, a heated bed - what a great idea! I want one too...
Love from Peggy in 20-degree Denver
When she gets the flat screen, move to the keyboard.
Myst, that looks like a great place to sleep and I bet it really is warm!
Muddy, I had to go on special food many many months ago. It worked out great! I love my new food and so do my brother and sister. I'm sure that you will like it whatever it is. Feel better soon friend.
A heated bed sounds purrrrfect! I want one, too. I bet Dandelion will, too.
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