He is eating well which makes everyone happy since he will have to go on his special diet food after he recovers more.
The cheese was a curious thing to him and he licked it though the pills were wrapped in it. It's a great idea but he still has a fit with the pills. I know how he feels. Muddy is getting stronger and protesting more. I like the smell of that cheese! -- Myst
Myst, you should tell your humans that maybe Muddy would like "pill pockets" better than cheese. My human says she has seen them at places like PetCo. :)
We're glad Muddy is feelin better. Those pills are real annoyin, though! We cant help laffin a little at Muddy's shaved paw...
yay for Muddy feeling better! yep, we agree wif Snowfy, he might like pill pockets better
I'm now catching up after a couple of days offline; I work in a retail store and we've been incredibly busy (and I've been incredibly tired as a result). I'm very glad to hear that Muddy is getting better. Really, when you think about it - abdominal surgery can take humans up to 6 weeks to recover from. For a kitty to be up and about in just a few days is great.
I'm wondering, Myst - could your humans give Muddy liquid medications? Or maybe dissolve some of the pills in water? Maxicat seemed to do better with those than with solid pills (especially those tiny little thyroid pills that fell off my finger and got lost before they ever got to his mouth :-) !)
Anyway - Myst, you're doing a great job of keeping in touch with us, especially with your humans so stressed over this. Please be nice to them and give them lots of kitty love - and I will continue to send good energy to you all.
Love from Denver,
I am very glad that Muddy is eating well! Pixie has the cheese balls pushed down her throat, she does not actually "eat" them. It's more to make them stick together in one big lump so you do not have to keep giving separate pills. And the cheese gets a little slimy in the mouth and slides right down!
MEW!!! Muddy better! I knew it. I been telepathically sending healing. MEW! Hope the pill situation improves-hate to hear that Terry is crying over it. Make me sad. mew
I'm glad Muddy is feeling better. You've been taking good care of him huh Myst? *head butts*
Sweeeet...I'm glad he's feeling a little better. I hope he keeps feeling better...and that the pills aren't too much for him. I hate pills and I make it as hard as possible on my people, but Muddy is nicer than me.
I am sending healing purrs and head butts to Muddy! I am glad he is getting a bit of his appetite back and I purray that he will be good as new soon.
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