Still me, Myst, here. Muddy is back. He was not eating at the vet, but as soon as he got his bearings at home, he went to his food dish and ate! It was a good sign. He is not so lethargic, either, but is walking around meowing for a brushing and wanting attention. He has to take 8 pills a day, one is an appetite enhancer that is making him anxious, but it helps him to want to eat. He has a 6-inch line of stitches on his tummy but he seems to be getting to the litter box ok and was able to jump on the bed after several tries. I feel a little less sad cause he purrs when my humans pet him.
Here is a picture that Terry just now took of him. While Dandelion and I sniff him a lot, nobody has been too aggressive towards him though Dandelion is not completely sure so the parents supervise their visits for now and do not leave them alone yet.
They cancelled their Thanksgiving trip out of town and will be staying around here. Yay, cause I hate when they leave. I follow Terry around all day long and I get too lonely when she is not here, so lonely that I don't eat, either.
Muddy we are so glad you are back home and doing ok!!!
Keep eating & taking your medicines and you'll be feeling like your old self in no time.
We are glad your folks are staying home with you guys!!!!
ohoh we hopes Muddy keeps feeling betters and betters Myst, Happy Fangsgiving to you all ~THE Fluffy Tribe
You have no idea how glad that I am to hear this. I notice Muddy, that your eyes seem very bright. To me this seems like a very good sign that you are feeling better. I hope you get 100% better ASAP.
I'm glad Muddy's home now, Myst. I think being in a familiar place - with all those familiar smells, too - will improve his mood. It seems to be having a good effect already.
I hope Muddy doesn't have to take the appetite pills for too long. I'm remembering now that I gave them to my kitty, Maxwell, for a while just before he left me (3 years ago this month). They made him cry - really loud - in the middle of the night. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening except that I knew they were bothering him, because he didn't do that when he wasn't taking them. Hearing you talk about them making Muddy anxious, now I know what the problem was. I've had anxiety myself, and it's an awful feeling. But if Muddy keeps eating then that will be a pill or two less to give him, and he should be calmer too. (BTW - Maxwell lived to be almost 18. I wish the same long life for Muddy and you; I know Dandelion's already there!)
Love and Happy Thanksgiving from Denver,
Myst - thanks for update... I'm glad Muddy is home and eating. I've had to take an appetite stimulant before and it certainly works. I'll be purring for you and your family. Enjoy your Thanksgiving together...
Muddy! We are so happy to see a picture of you and to know that you're back home and doing better :) You keep right on eating, buddy, and take your medicine when your mom and dad give it to you 'kay? We're still praying away for you, friend - enjoy your Thanksgiving with your family!
Rocky, Angie, S'More, & our Mom :)
Good to see again Muddy!
Happy thanksgiving from us here in England, we are glad to hear you will get to spend it with your human family (Maybe the smell of turkey will perk up that appetite!).
Keep feeling better buddy xxxx
Banff and B.C
Its so good to hear that Muddy is back. I hope he keeps eating and takes his medicine. Get better soon Muddy. Thanks for letting us know how things Myst. I am sure you are very happy to see Muddy again too. :)
Lots of purrs...
- Gussie
oh Muddy, please get better buddy we are so glad you are home.
Snowfy, Delilah and I are so happy to hear that Muddy is home...and eating! He must be okay if he's begging for brushin's! ;)
Hope all of you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
~Holly, Snowfy and Delilah!
I am very, very thankful that Muddy is feeling a bit better. Having Muddy home is a good Thanksgiving gift.
Muddy, we are so glad you are eating! Keep it up, buddy! We will keep purring that you feel better soon.
MEW!!! My mummy was so happy to see you home again that she started to cry. Pleese keep getting better. You're going to live a long time Muddy!
Muddy, we're furry fankful yoo got to come home for Fanksgiving. Haf some turkey :) It's furry grate of yore beans to stay home wif yoo. Happy Fanksgiving in spite a it all. We'll keep purrin for yoo lots.
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
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