Monday, November 30, 2009

My Human is Staff for Others

She is going to visit these cats while their humans are away. We do know how to keep humans busy and out of trouble.


The Meezers or Billy said...

whoa. that is all kinds of NOT RIGHT.

DILLIGAF said...

I haf to commit on my two legs bloggy. He will not give me my own bloggy.

I like you.

Not as much as I like me but I do.

Maximus Spittimus

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

But yer Bein is gonna smell of other kitties! Thats awful!

heylookatwhatIfound said...

Party like the dogs!

watsonrodrig said...

I didn't know that you have 2 cats, i love
cats and i have one like there was in the
movie Stuart little. It is very cute.
bali travel

birthday party favors said...

Very cute! Reminds me of my late RIP (cat's name) they have exactly the same color.

Rankpay said...

Really cute!