Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's a standoff or sitoff - who will make the first move? We pretend to be casual.


Katnip Lounge said...

The suspense is killing us...

CandiRae said...

Love love love this! Cats have such personalities!!!

Fawn (Skat the Cat) said...

What will happen next? Hmmm... I guess they are still accessing each other's personalities. So cute!

Emmylou said...

Do you feel lucky?

Smudge said...

Ahh, I love a good duel!

Justine Earnshaw said...

I have two cats who do that to each other all the time. My oldest is scared of my youngest (?!), so my youngest delights in "trapping" him in a corner and then stretching our for a nap.

Purrfect Haven said...

casual is always best... if one can sustain it! Love Darcy, Bingley xx

HTC In Pakistan said...

hey its an amazing post good to see this.. Love love love this post..