Everything is back to normal. We can all sleep again. Myst had dilated eyes and acted insane - meowing without ceasing until he got hoarse as a side effect of the appetite stimulant he was given and nobody could sleep around here except Dandelion (the master at sleeping in this house).
The medicine is out of Myst's system now. He has healed well. He looks completely back to normal and is eating and chasing me again (yay!). Thank-you for all of your comments and support. Life is good.
Muddy - we are so glad life has returned to normal at your house! We love the game of chase at my house, too!! We hope your family catches up on their sleep, now :)
YAY!!! Normal is a good fing.
Whew! Thats a relief! Glad to hear the cute little guy is better.
That is a very lovely picture of Dandelion!
Yay for back to normal for Myst, Muddy and the rest of the family.
Sweet :) I wish I had felt like I was on speed when they gave me that stuff. Then maybe I'd know what life is like for Buddah ALL the time... ;)
Oh, thank goodness! So happy to hear this great news Muddy. Best thing I've heard this morning!!! ;-)
Love the photos....
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