Friday, August 31, 2007


He's the biggest cat in the house, but fun to hug and hold, Terry says, and he loves all strangers. Strangers? Well I come look them over but I am not about to be held by one. Dandelion likes it, though.


Daisy said...

Dandelion is very handsome! I am scairt of strangers.

Anonymous said...

I like the videos. I really need to get My Lady to take some videos of me so I can post them.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Awww he is quite the handsome fellow! And such a lovely purr!

cheatle said...
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Sharon said...

Awww.... what a loud purr. That's how my husband and I ended up with our second cat, Mia. We were at the shelter donating kitten food and my husband heard this monstrously loud purr coming from one of the cages. Next thing I knew we had a new cat!
