Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Laser Light?

Myst and Dandelion love the laser light chase, but me? Well, I used to until I realized this is no bug. I think Myst has not yet realized it.


Anonymous said...

He he! That was really funny!

Anonymous said...

I am getting tired of my laser pointer. It is the same over and over again. I need something new.

The Meezers or Billy said...

must. kill. red. dot. KILL THE DOT. KILL THE DOT.

oh, i'm so sorry, the red dot gets me all hyper. - Miles

Daisy said...

I like the red dot game most of the time. But I have to ask my Mommie to play it with me.

Tyler said...

You're to sophisticated. Are there any games you do like to play?

cheatle said...

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